The Patatas – An Education Solutions Consultancy

Mental health: Personal advice I wish I knew as a student

Mental health: Personal advise I wish I knew as a student As a student, I know that stress is no stranger to us. Be it studies, juggling relationships between friends, family and maybe significant others… All of which are happening while we are still growing and trying to find our identity. Many changes, coupled with …

The Orang Asli and the educational obstacles they face [5 minute read]

Who are the Orang Asli? The Orang Asli are an indigenous group of people found in Malaysia. Known to be the oldest group of inhabitants on Malaysia’s Peninsula, they comprise people from different tribes and ethnicities such as the Iban, Bidayuh, Kenyah and many more. Iban people ©Britannica Over time, their numbers slowly dwindled, causing …

Websites for Free Singaporean Educational Resources [2 minute read]

Websites for Free Singaporean Educational Resources Singapore has one of the highest literacy rates in the world, standing at 97.1% in 2020. However, a high literacy rate does not translate to equal educational opportunities or resources. Educational inequality is a topic explored in Teo Yeo Yenn’s anthology of essays that took Singapore by storm, This is what …

The Joy of Giving [2 min read]

The Joy of Giving A wonderful day to you guys! My name is Liew Yong Han and I am currently an SEO intern for The Patatas. It is my pleasure to share with you guys our experience in the joy of giving and what I have learned during our intern chill out session on the …

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