The Patatas – An Education Solutions Consultancy

Lack of Education in the Philippines? The Patatas’ CaseStudy “School in a Box” Offers Solutions

Lack of Education in the Philippines? The Patatas’ CaseStudy “School in a Box” Offers Solutions P5.768 trillion national budget for 2024 was approved, but only 13.2% is allocated for education The Philippines has long been facing difficulties in providing everyone access to high-quality education— basic education is offered, yes, but its quality is compromised by …

From in need to clearing NEET: the case of one student’s self-study success

From in need to clearing NEET: the case of one student’s self-study success You should never use the Internet to self-diagnose your medical conditions – but what about self-studying your way into clearing one of India’s toughest medical admissions exams? source: Meet Umer Ahmad Ganie. Well, that’s exactly what 19-year old Umer Ahmad Ganie …

Does Education Have To Be So Expensive?

Education cost is rising. The Patatas’ CaseStudy is a ‘school-in-a-box’ solution not dependent on internet or power, aims to bring education to low-income communities.

Starlink, e-learning and the quest for worldwide connectivity today

With the world’s information so readily at our fingertips, it’s sometimes a stretch to remember that not everywhere in the world has that same immediate, fuss-free access to the Internet. Africa, in particular, faces limitations to Internet access due to its abundance of rural and remote areas. That’s where Space X’s Starlink aims to change the game.

An interview with Hungry SciAnntist [5 minute read]

An Interview with Hungry SciAnntist Social media is an omnipresent force, permeating every aspect of our lives. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Youtube have become ingrained in our existence. Undeniably, social media wields immense power, capable of influencing countless individuals, and its presence is here to stay. However, its potential stretches far beyond mere sharing of personal …

How to encourage creativity in the classroom

How to encourage creativity in the classroom? It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. – Albert Enstein It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. – Albert Einstein Creativity is an essential aspect of learning and development. It …

AI as a classroom teaching tool

AI as a classroom teaching tool  Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many aspects of our lives from research to art, and education is no exception. Recently there has been a rise in use of AI amongst students for homework and assignments. We have seen AI writing essays for students and even passing a law exam but what about its use …

How will inflation impact education?

How will inflation impact education? In early 2021, a worldwide increase in inflation began. This inflation is not expected decrease until the middle of 2023, according to Forbes. Many people have speculated what cause this inflation and the most common reason would be the worldwide pandemic caused the economy to contract. Businesses were shut down and many workers were laid …

The mental health of teachers and how we can support them

The mental health of teachers and how we can support them Photo by Yan Krukov Teachers are the cornerstone of schools. Not only are they educators, but they also look after the welfare of students and take on many responsibilities, such as after-school clubs. In our previous article, we talked about managing the mental health of …

Mental health: Personal advice I wish I knew as a student

Mental health: Personal advise I wish I knew as a student As a student, I know that stress is no stranger to us. Be it studies, juggling relationships between friends, family and maybe significant others… All of which are happening while we are still growing and trying to find our identity. Many changes, coupled with …

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